How the internet works? | Nepohits



              The Internet


The internet is a network of networks. The internet together, all of the individual servers, computers, and devices across the planet. More and more our communications and all of our websites live there and travel across it. Today the Internet is the most powerful tool in the world. It has become the lifeline of today's youth. With the help of the internet, we can play games, watch videos, learn new skills, etc. we can also earn money at home by doing online work as freelancers, bloggers, Youtuber, and many more.


How the internet works?
The internet world | Nepohits

           Throughout this content, we will try to answer some basic questions of most of the users about The internet. When you’re done, you have a good understanding of how the internet works and you will also get a brief history of the internet.


How the Internet works?


                   Access to the internet becomes essential for most of us in our daily lives. Through the internet, we can work, shop, communicate, and access important services. In Fact majority of the world's population, today knows how to use the internet. But Have you ever wondered how the Internet works, So in this content, we will have a short discussion about how the internet works?

         The Internet is just a wire. It is just a load of wires buried in the ground or under the sea. These wires might be Fiber optics, copper, etc. Now there are special computers that are directly connected to the internet and these are the servers. Servers store all the data associated with the websites or web pages. Every server has a unique Internet Protocol Address (IP Address). So you can easily access any websites stored in the server by knowing its IP Address.

How the internet works?
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           IP Address like is very difficult to memorize that's why domain names like (, (208.117), (, etc are used which corresponds to each IP Address to make it easier to remember than the sequence of numbers. Since we use domain names instead of IP Addresses, the internet has a phonebook called the DNS (Domain Name System) which transfers domain names to IP Addresses. DNS is like a telephone directory on which even though we don’t know the telephone number of a certain person but know his/her name then we can easily look it up in the phone directory.

How the internet works?
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      Now our computers or laptops are not servers since they are not directly connected to the Internet. Our laptops and computers are called clients. Clients are associated in a roundabout way to the web through Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP utilizes a scope of advances to empower clients to interface with the Internet. Presently the most well-known kind of web associations is the DSL(Digital Subscriber Line), Cable broadband, fiber optics broadband, wireless  (wifi broadband), and so on

                 If we connect our laptops, computers, or other devices to the internet through the Internet Service Provider or ISP. we are usually given a unique IP Address. IP Address is like a shipping address on which information reaches its specific destination. The Internet The service Provider will decide what IP Address for our devices.

How the internet works?
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How the Internet works?

            For example, I have a computer that is connected to the internet through ISP.  I wanted to access, so I entered in the browser. The program will send a solicitation to the DNS worker to get the relating IP Address. When the IP Address is recognized the DNS will advance the solicitation to the particular worker and once the worker gets the solicitation to get to a specific site the information stream begins. 


                The information moves through the optical fiber links in a type of light throb. These optical fiber links that convey the light throb are extended from the ocean bed to our home and afterward associated with a Router. The Router at that point changes light signals over to electrical signals and afterward an Ethernet link is utilized to send electrical signs to the PC.

How the internet works?
Router connection | Nepohits

           Now If you are utilizing cell information to get to the web, the information from the optical link will be shipped off a phone pinnacle and afterward, from the phone tower, the signs will arrive at your telephone is a type of electromagnetic wave. The telephone can receive the data because of the phone’s antenna.

.         So that's how the Internet works. The Internet makes our lives easy. We can easily communicate with our Family, relatives or friends. We can watch online videos or play online games through the use of the internet. But there are also disadvantages we can get in using the Internet, like bullying, violent images, hackers, or even addiction. That's why we need to be careful also in using the internet.

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    A Brief History of The Internet


The web began 50 years prior and PCs in those days occupied whole rooms, researchers and specialists utilized it for quite a long time to impart during the virus war. It was valuable since supposing that one PC got down the others wouldn't follow. In 1962 a researcher named JCR Licklider proposed the possibility of an organization of PCs that could converse with each other.

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How the internet works?
Internet | Nepohits


            In 1969, the first historically speaking message was sent starting with one PC then onto the next ludicrous, the public authority's PC networks at that point. ARPANET represents Advanced Research Projects Agency, situated in an examination lab at UCLA and the other at Stanford. Every one of the messages was sent by login and it didn't neglect to crash. The organization Stanford just got the initial two letters of the message however before the year's over just four PCs were associated with this organization.

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            In 1971, the college of Hawaii's Aloha net was added trailed by different organizations in London and Norway two years after the fact. In 1971 Ray Tomlison was fostering the primary framework to send letters to and fro between the clients of ARPANET. This would be ultimately called mail or email for short @ image was utilized to tell an individual's name and the hostname separated with the organizations' entirety. There should have been a route for the entirety of the PCs on them to speak with different organizations. This is the place where a PC researcher named Vinton Cerf comes in. He created an approach to acquaint PCs across the globe with one another in a virtual space. This innovation was called transmission control convention (TCP) which was trailed by Internet protocol (IP).


How the internet works?
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            During The '80s, researchers utilized surf's convention to send information to and fro yet the 90's the place where it actually all began. In 1991, a software engineer named Tim Berners-lee created the internet. This wasn't only an information-sharing space for researchers any longer. This was a whole organization of data that was available to anybody with a web association.


               You are utilizing the program association right currently to peruse Nepohits Content. A portion of the famous ones are Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari however In 1992, ERWISE was made. ERWISE was a web program and the first to have a realistic interface. A couple of programs preceded and after however in 1993, Mosaic was made and it would promote riding the web. Mosaic impacted a considerable lot of the programs to follow including Netscape Navigator.

How the internet works?
Browser | Nepohits


                    In 1994, this turned into the most famous internet browser at the time representing 90% of the web use in 1995. In the mid 90's organizations, AOL and CompuServe were beginning to give dial-up web access. Dial-up is a strategy for interfacing with the web through the phone line. Your phone line was connected to a modem and the opposite end was connected to the telephone jack.

How the internet works?
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                     There was a period in history where you were unable to utilize your phone on the web simultaneously without the web we clearly wouldn't have things like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on yet more significantly, we wouldn't have the option to get to data in a moment or two. we wouldn't have the option to speak with individuals from around the world, Share thoughts and teach the individuals who probably won't get an opportunity elsewhere. Also without the web, I'd really need to converse with somebody when I request a pizza which was the main thing at any point bought on the web.


How the internet works?
social media | Nepohits

                   We hope you get some informative ideas and information about how the internet works? If you have some questions related to this topic, please feel free to ask and follow us for more informative posts. Thank you for reading the Nepohits Post.


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