Nearly half of Nepalese tested positive for COVID


Liked neighboring India, Nepal is reeling from a deadly secondary wave of the coronavirus.  On Thursday, Nepal announced 9,023 cases, the most elevated single-day increment. More than 3,600 individuals have passed on since the pandemic started, 400 of them in the previous fourteen days alone, as per official figures. Nepal shares a 1,850-kilometer open boundary with India and networks generally traverse it for work and to see family. Many are presently getting back.

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The poorest border between the two countries has contributed to skyrocketing case numbers. Nepal’s main towns and cities are in lockdown. The health ministry says the situation is unmanageable. Doctors and nurses are being pushed their limits. Nepal has called for international help as case numbers hit record highs the country’s neglected health care system is facing collapse. With the lockdown in place, many migrant workers have returned from the cities to their homes in rural areas while Kathmandu's hospitals struggle to save lives. Fear is growing of outbreaks in the remote regions lacking health care infrastructures.


  The interview was taken by DW News to  Asmarullah, who was a member of the international federation of the red cross society in Nepal said that “ In the past few weeks the covid rate has increased by about 50 times and in march, 100 infections a day but just in the last few days over 7000. The rate is also unpredictable in Nepali standards. Over 50 deaths each day, is very very alarming, the IFRC (The International Federation of Red Crescent Societies)  works with the red cross volunteers on the ground. The red cross warranties are very very active in dealing with preventive measures, support to national and medical service, and vaccination efforts. In Many of the richer countries, the rate of vaccination is 30% whereas in Nepal is barely 1% at the moment."    

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   The three main things, the red cross is very active on the preventive measures in the 77 districts in Nepal and Kathmandu valley where there’s a lot of infections volunteers are dealing with safety messages, handwashing, social distancing, supporting quarantine, and promoting vaccination. The second is that a lot of volunteers are also helping national and local authorities with medical services. Wherever there is a  lack of oxygen in hospitals, there is also a lack of frontline workers in the hospitals. You will see in some of the hospitals people are just lying on the floor and finally, Vaccines and vaccinations the Red Cross has also been supporting the public authority, the health in getting vaccinations the arms of people but right now there’s a huge shortage of vaccines and this is an area that we need to do more with the international community and with covid not only in Nepal but around the world said by him.

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Vaccination program stalled

Nepal right now has the most noteworthy compelling multiplication rate — 1.79 — which shows the number of others one infected individual is infecting. 

Recently, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who has been condemned for his treatment of the pandemic, engaged the global-local area to guarantee the supply of immunizations and clinical supplies to help Nepal battle the infection. 

Nepal's vaccination crusade, which started in January, has challenged vulnerability after just 50% of the arranged supplies from India were conveyed. 

In a nation of 30 million, just 2.4 million shots from India and China has been controlled, and just a little part of regular citizens have gotten the two dosages. 

Toward the beginning of April, Nepal was revealing less than 200 cases per day. 

Indeed, even as cases rose in adjoining India, mass social events including strict celebrations, political gatherings, and weddings proceeded in the country. 

A week ago, Nepal prohibited Indians from utilizing Kathmandu as the journey after Indian nationals progressively flew out of Kathmandu following flight limitations from India.

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