6 unique ways to boost your Wi-Fi speed in 2024

6 unique ways to boost your Wi-Fi speed

Let's face it. There can not be much else confusing than trying  to ride the internet using Wi-Fi that is unbearably slow. While there are a couple of organization that make instances of superfast speeds, there is no absence of complaints from customers about slow internet speeds. Review that Wi-Fi waves are radio waves that development little distances and are gotten by phones. Deplorably, in case anything comes in the technique for these waves, they get impeded, causing slow internet speed. This is the thing that you truly needed to bear in mind concerning your Wi-Fi router...


Never place the router on the floor


Home routers are arranged in such a way that they emit signals downward. Thusly, when you place your routers on the floor, the sign goes towards the floor rather your cell/PC. Wi-Fi waves need no obstacle at all to function admirably.

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Avoid to put router in an enclosed space


While you may have to protect your router from dust, water, breakage, etc, keeping it in a locked storage space or authority will convey it almost useless . This is because the sign will get absorbed by the entrance of the closet, conveying the router basically useless. Maybe keep it on a rack that is fairly higher so that there are lesser potential outcomes of mischief.

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The placement of your router

This is the most important things you needed to keep in mind. Remember, Wi-Fi waves are helpfully absorbed by things that come in their way, thus, you needed to put your router at where there will be least hindrance. Spot it in a room that is accessible from all sides of the house. This way it will ensure that the sign strength is identical in each part of the house.

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Look after to the antennas


In the occasion your modem has two external receiving wires(antennas), guarantee you keep one pointed straight up while the other one should be moved on a level plane towards the left.


Get electronic things a long way from your router


It's unimportant to keep your change near your PC, calculating the speed will get. Notwithstanding what may be generally anticipated, TVs, kitchen machines, PCs, etc will interfere with your router's signs, making the sign slight. Guarantee that you get your router a long way from any electronic devices that may influence Wi-Fi speed.

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