Create a Digital Clock using Tkinter module in python | Nepohits

create digital clock using python

In this post, Today we are going to create a Digital Clock using the Tkinter module in python. For Building this clock up, Tkinter and Time module are required.

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Let's start to build the Digital Clock. Following are the steps to build the Digital Clock using python.

1. Firstly, Import Tkinter and Time libraries:

from tkinter import Label, Tk

import time

2. Create a variable that will store our Tkinter window:

clock = Tk()
clock.title ("Nepohits Digital clock")

3. Define Size of the Window:

clock.geometry ("2000x2000")
clock.resizable (1,1)
text_font = ("Times", 200 , 'bold')
background = "Red"
foreground = "Black"
clock.configure (bg="#F08080")
border_width = 38

4. Create a variable for Digital Clock:

label = Label (clock, font= text_font, bg = background, fg = foreground, bd = border_width)  (x=180, y=200)

5. Create a variable for Name, Hours, Minutes and seconds:

nota = Label (clock, text= '  Hours            Minutes        Seconds  ', font= "times 50 bold") 180, y= 500)

Name = Label (clock, text=('Designed By Nawaj'), font=  "times 20 bold", bg= "Yellow") (x=180, y=200)

5. Create a function Digital_Clock and variable time_live:

def digital_clock():
  time_live = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S")
  label.config(text = time_live)
  label.after (200, digital_clock)

Let's implement the final code:

from tkinter import Label, Tk
#import time library to obtain current time
import time
#Create a variable that will store our tkinter window
clock = Tk()
clock.title ("Nepohits Digital clock")
#define size of the window
clock.geometry ("2000x2000")
clock.resizable (1,1)
text_font = ("Times", 200 , 'bold')
background = "Red"
foreground = "Black"
clock.configure (bg="#F08080")
border_width = 38
#create a variable for digital clock
label = Label (clock, font= text_font, bg = background, fg = foreground, bd = border_width)  (x=180, y=200)
# create a variable for Hours, minutes and seconds
nota = Label (clock, text= '  Hours            Minutes        Seconds  ', font= "times 50 bold") 180, y= 500)

Name = Label (clock, text=('Designed By Nawaj'), font=  "times 20 bold", bg= "Yellow") (x=180, y=200)

# create a function Digital_clock and variable time_live
def digital_clock():
  time_live = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S")
  label.config(text = time_live)
  label.after (200, digital_clock)


create a digital clock using python

If You have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to ask! Thank You. 

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