More tahn 12,000 civillians have lost their lives in Gaza and Israel in continuous war between Israel and Hamas

 In a devastating turn of events, the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, which erupted on October 7, 2023, has claimed the lives of more than 12,000 people, underscoring the dire humanitarian crisis in the region. The conflict began when Hamas launched a barrage of missiles into Israel, resulting in the tragic deaths of over 1,000 Israeli civilians.

Gaza war, Nepohits



Israel swiftly responded, declaring war against Hamas and launching a series of airstrikes that targeted multiple terrorist sites and base camps of the militant organization. The Gaza Strip, in particular, has borne the brunt of this offensive, with more than 10,625 civilians losing their lives in the Israeli airstrikes.

International calls for an immediate ceasefire have been unceasing, with the United Nations and the United States urging both Israel and Hamas to halt hostilities temporarily. The purpose of this ceasefire is to establish humanitarian corridors that will provide crucial assistance to the victims and survivors of the conflict.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised alarm over the potential for a severe famine if the war escalates further and spreads across the Middle East and Europe. The humanitarian situation in the region is already dire, and an escalation of the conflict could exacerbate the suffering of millions of people.

The staggering death toll in this conflict reflects the magnitude of the crisis and the urgent need for a peaceful resolution. There is a growing fear that if this war were to escalate and expand throughout the Middle East, it could potentially trigger a global catastrophe – World War 3.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has drawn widespread international attention and condemnation. Efforts are ongoing to find a diplomatic solution to end the violence and provide much-needed relief to the affected populations. The world watches with bated breath as regional stability hangs in the balance, and the hope for a peaceful resolution becomes increasingly critical in these tumultuous times.


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