How to Build a Complete Authentication System with Django Rest Framework (DRF), Next.js, and React.js | Brokly Master

 In today’s digital world, building a secure and scalable authentication system is essential for any web application. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating an authentication system using Django Rest Framework (DRF) on the backend and Next.js with React.js on the frontend.

Whether you're looking to implement features like user registration, login, logout, or password reset, this tutorial covers everything. We’ll also show how to handle user authentication tokens, error handling, and secure password management, ensuring your app is both user-friendly and secure.

Watch my video tutorial here where I demonstrate the entire process step-by-step. 

1. Overview of the Authentication System

The project implements the following core functionalities:

  • Registration: Users can create a new account by providing their credentials.
  • Login: Users can securely log in to access their account.
  • JWT Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used to authenticate users and manage session tokens.
  • Password Reset: Enables users to reset their password through an email-based link.
  • Logout: Clears session tokens and logs the user out securely.

Using Django Rest Framework ensures a robust backend API, while Next.js and React.js provide a dynamic and responsive frontend experience.

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2. Prerequisites for the Project

Before getting started, make sure you have the following tools and technologies in place:

  • Python and Django installed for the backend.
  • Django Rest Framework (DRF) to build APIs.
  • Node.js, Next.js, and React.js for the frontend development.
  • Basic understanding of JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to handle user authentication securely.

3. Setting Up Django Rest Framework (DRF)

We start by setting up Django Rest Framework to manage the backend API. DRF simplifies the creation of RESTful APIs, making it easy to handle user authentication and other functionalities like registration, login, and password reset.

Once the setup is complete, we will configure JWT authentication, allowing users to log in securely and receive an authentication token.

4. Creating Registration and Login APIs

In the backend, we’ll build two main APIs:

  • Registration API: Handles new user sign-ups by collecting essential information like email and password. The API will also validate the user input to ensure security.
  • Login API: Authenticates users by verifying their credentials (email and password) and issuing JWT tokens. These tokens will be used for user authentication across the system.

The registration and login process will also include proper error handling to improve user experience.

5. Setting Up Next.js and React.js for the Frontend

For the frontend, we will use Next.js alongside React.js to create the user interface for the authentication system. Next.js simplifies server-side rendering, ensuring better performance and SEO optimization, while React.js allows us to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

We’ll create three main pages for:

  • User Registration
  • Login
  • Password Reset

These pages will send requests to the Django Rest Framework APIs and handle responses to either log the user in or display errors if something goes wrong.

6. Implementing JWT Authentication

JWT authentication is a crucial part of this system. Once the user logs in, they will receive a JWT token which will be stored securely in the frontend (either in localStorage or cookies). This token will be attached to all future requests made by the user to ensure secure access to protected routes and data.

On the frontend, we’ll use React Context or Hooks to manage authentication state globally, ensuring a smooth user experience across the application.

7. Adding Password Reset Functionality

Forgot your password? No problem! In this section, we’ll implement password reset functionality.

We’ll create a form where users can submit their email address to receive a password reset link. This link will contain a token that allows the user to securely update their password without compromising security.

On the backend, Django Rest Framework will handle sending the reset email, generating the unique token, and validating the reset request.

8. Logout and Session Management

Logging out securely is as important as logging in. In this section, we’ll implement the logout functionality by clearing the stored JWT tokens and invalidating any active sessions.

Using Django’s token blacklisting feature, we’ll ensure that tokens are invalidated server-side, preventing any misuse of the token after logout.

9. Testing and Finalizing the System

Once all the features are implemented, it’s time to test the system thoroughly. Testing includes:

  • Creating new accounts (user registration)
  • Logging in with valid credentials
  • Testing password reset emails and form submissions
  • Logging out and ensuring that tokens are invalidated

By ensuring that each part of the system works seamlessly, you’ll provide a secure and user-friendly experience for your users.

10. Conclusion and Next Steps

In this tutorial, we’ve successfully built a complete authentication system with Django Rest Framework on the backend and Next.js and React.js on the frontend. By using JWT for secure authentication, we’ve ensured that the system is scalable, efficient, and secure.

What’s next? You can enhance this system by adding:

  • Social Login: Allow users to log in with their Google or Facebook accounts.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Improve security by adding an extra layer of authentication.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Implement permissions based on user roles (e.g., admin, regular user).

Check out the YouTube video tutorial for a detailed walkthrough, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more content like this!

Download the source code Here:- Authentication system with Django REST Framework and next.js

Download the Source code of Backend:- Authentication system with Django REST Framework and next.js

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